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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Strengthen evidence on homelessness

In order to tackle homelessness, the collection of data and an assessment of the problem is essential, to do so the European Commission steps up its efforts to improve data availability and evidence on homelessness development in the EU.

In order to tackle homelessness, the collection of data and an assessment of the problem is essential.

This work strand of the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness aims at improving the understanding of the scope and causes of homelessness, and monitoring progress by providing comparable data.

The European Commission steps up its efforts to improve data availability and evidence on homelessness development in the European Union, through complementary projects:

  • The EU-SILC six yearly module on intergenerational transmission of disadvantages and on housing difficulties collects information on different aspects of having experienced past housing difficulties in a person’s lifetime, including reasons for such difficulties, duration of the most recent experience, and how individuals overcame these challenges, as well as specific questions on renting difficulties.
  • A pilot project which, will specifically focus on defining a common counting methodology, building on existing methodologies and coordinating a harmonized pan-European homelessness count in a number of cities at the same point in time.
  • With the EU support, the OECD has prepared a Policy Toolkit to Combat Homelessness. Organised around nine building blocks, the Toolkit helps policy makers design and implement strategies to combat homelessness. Each building block presents the latest research and proposes guidance and good practice examples to inspire policy makers and service providers to replicate what works.
  • Other key outputs delivered by the OECD include a set of comprehensive Data Country Notes on homelessness and a Monitoring Framework on Homelessness Data and Measurement to help improve how governments measure and develop public policies to address homelessness

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