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Publications (208)
RSSThe present study was carried out to provide the Commission with a comprehensive, evidence-based analysis of the context, challenges, opportunities, and trends in algorithmic management (AM) in the workplace.
The way we work is changing due to developments associated with the digital and green transition as well as demographic change, as a driver of current and future labour shortages.
The green transition is affecting the entire economy and is leading to significant transformations in some specific sectors, including sectors such as the energy industries, mining and quarrying, construction, manufacturing, or waste management.
The Joint Employment Report (JER) by the European Commission and the Council monitors the employment situation in the Union and the implementation of the Employment Guidelines, in line with Article 148 of the TFEU.
Labour mobility and migration have long been a defining feature of the European Union (EU), fostering economic integration, cultural exchange, and social dynamism.
The paper analyses the RBMV methodology development and offers possible solutions and recommendations based on practices and experiences of Member States discussed at TN meetings, Audit Authority Technical and Homologues group meetings and expert group meetings on the Common Provisions Regulation.
The aim of the position paper is to present the proposal for ‘no more real costs’ in the post-2027 programming period, developed by the TN through several consultations with ESF+ authorities and stakeholders participating in the network.
The aim of the road map model is to complement the TN position paper on ‘no more real costs in post 2027’ ( 1 ), providing references on the (possible) main steps that could be taken by the Member States to prepare for ‘no more real costs in post 2027’.
This Synthesis Report maps existing flexible retirement pathways and incentives and assesses their take-up as well as potential impact on labour market participation, redistribution, fiscal sustainability and quality of life. The focus is primarily on statutory pension schemes.
The Annual Report covers activities from January to December 2024, in line with Article 6 of the Decision establishing the PES Network. In 2024, the Network delivered a full programme of Mutual Learning activities, with 17 mutual learning events and 20 learning resources.