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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • News article
  • 4 October 2024
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

Commission launches new campaign at Clean Energy Ministerial in Brazil

The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) has announced the launch of the “CEM Campaign on sustainable lifestyles, fairness and access to clean energy technologies” that puts people at the heart of the clean energy transformation.

 CEM Campaign on sustainable lifestyles, fairness and access to clean energy technologies
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The campaign on sustainable lifestyles, fairness and access to clean technologies is a commitment by countries and partners to join forces to enable a fair global clean energy transition.

Led by the European Commission, it incentivises participating countries and partners to share policies that ensure everyone benefits and is supported as we move towards greener and more competitive economies.

Throughout the two-year campaign, the European Commission will work with countries and NGOs globally to promote good practices and increase awareness of the need to embed social justice within the clean energy transition, to drive a fairer, more sustainable future for all.

