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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The European Social Security Pass (ESSPASS) is a project designed to make it easier for individuals to exercise their social security rights when they are in another European country. This initiative is part of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan.

ESSPASS focuses on

Synergies with existing EU initiatives

ESSPASS builds upon existing EU digital initiatives, including:

Envisaged key features of ESSPASS

  • standardised digital identity wallet (the future EUDI wallet): used by citizens to store and share verifiable digital documents
  • real-time digital verification: social security institutions, labour inspectorates, healthcare providers, and other relevant entities can verify these documents instantly across Europe
  • personal data control: individuals have full control over their personal data

Example use case for ESSPASS

These are the steps a user might take when accessing unplanned medical treatment abroad:

Planning the holiday

Before going on holiday to another country, the individual can get a digital version of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). To do this, they can:

  1. visit the ‘Your Europe’ website
  2. follow the redirection to the national portal for making the request

Issuing the digital EHIC

  1. Health insurance provider issues the digital EHIC
  2. Individual downloads and stores the document in their digital wallet

Presenting the EHIC following an injury abroad

  1. While on holiday, the person has an accident and is asked to present the EHIC in hospital
  2. The person can show the digital EHIC in their digital wallet at the hospital


 2021 to 2022  

First phase of ESSPASS piloting activities, launched with the Italian Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale, with the involvement of 13 other countries. Focus on procedures for the portable document A1.  

2023 to 2025 

Two consortia of EU countries’ institutions (Digital Credentials for Europe C4EU and Vector) piloting the issuing and verification of the A1 certificate and the European Health Insurance Card, with financial support from the Commission.

2025 and beyond

Based on the outcomes of the pilot projects, the Commission will decide on the next steps, including on the feasibility of deploying ESSPASS throughout Europe and whether this would need a new legislative framework.

Questions & answers

Here is everything you need to know about the European Social Security Pass (ESSPASS).

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