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Publications (199)
RSSThe objectives of the initiative are to support Member State reforms to close gaps in existing support systems so that all adults have access to support for training, and to increase the incentives and motivation of individuals to seek training.
The report provides an overview of PES approaches, based on a survey conducted in 2021. It shows that in most countries, the PES mandate is limited to its general role in supporting job search and protecting jobseekers’ rights.
This policy brief, a collaborative effort between the OECD and the European Commission, explores the challenges faced by under-represented and disadvantaged entrepreneurs in accessing finance, as well as the potential of fintech to address these issues.
In May 2022, the extraordinary measures associated with the COVID-19 crisis played a relatively lesser role in the development of labour law in many Member States and European Economic Area (EEA) countries compared to previous months.
This guide was commissioned by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (DG EMPL) as part of an assignment to assess and disseminate the results of the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020.
This study aims to explore ways to better utilize programme-specific indicators to enhance accountability, steering, and evaluation. Additionally, it proposes methods for measuring the outcomes of social inclusion operations.
This paper provides an overview of the key questions and issues for Public Employment Services in determining how best to assist labour market recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The annual Access City Award recognises European cities for their efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities. showcases the outstanding efforts made by the winner and finalists of the 2022 edition to make their cities more accessible to persons with disabilities.
Since 2016, annual reports synthesise the ESF achievements on the basis of the annual implementation reports submitted by member states. This latest edition summarises the achievements by end 2020 (reported by MS in 2021). It was prepared by the ESF Data Support Centre.
This paper aims to support ESF+ authorities and stakeholders in designing FNLC schemes. It presents key recommendations from discussions within the CoP RBM and its subgroup on results-based approaches, as well as preliminary experiences of the Member States that have developed draft FNLC schemes.