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Publications (199)
This document aims to build the reader’s understanding of vocational rehabilitation (VR) and what makes VR schemes effective, to promote its uptake and improve its implementation.
This paper provides a detailed mapping of gender attitudes towards work across the European Union.
Through more than 70 inspiring practices from across Europe, this document shows how vocational education and training can make a unique contribution to the green transition.
This edition of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review examines patterns and developments of social convergence in the EU over the last decade, showing important catching-up trends among Member States.
This paper reviews trends in income inequality in the EU over the last fifteen years and presents a comprehensive framework to assess and monitor income inequalities and related key policy areas.
This note presents an analysis of the latest available LMP statistics. It includes an overview of the key data available for 2021 and an analysis of the continued impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the provision of LMP in the Member States.
This report summarises findings from the ‘Mutual learning workshop on adequate social protection in long-term care‘, which was held from 23 to 24 of November 2023 in Brussels.
This report presents the key findings from the ‘Mutual learning workshop on long-term care workforce’, which took place on 23-24 April 2024 in Brussels.
This report dives into the European Union’s (EU) cohesion funds to reveal how much the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and Just Transition Fund (JTF) are investing in skills development.
This paper aims to explore the role of public employment services (PES) in the international recruitment of skilled labour. It highlights existing practices, identifies gaps, and develops recommendations for a more active involvement of PES in the international recruitment of skilled labour.