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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The European Commission has launched the Pact for Skills, a shared engagement model for skills development in Europe.

Companies, workers, national, regional and local authorities, social partners, cross-industry and sectoral organisations, education and training providers, chambers of commerce and employment services all have a key role to play.

To support a fair and resilient recovery and deliver on the ambitions of the green and digital transitions and of the EU Industrial and SME Strategies, the Commission invites public and private organisations to join forces and take concrete action to upskill and reskill people in Europe.

The Pact is the first of the flagship actions under the European Skills Agenda and is firmly anchored in the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The Pact was officially launched on 10 November 2020. Watch the video of the 2020 launch event.

Join the Pact

Who can join the Pact?

  • Individual companies or other private or public organisations
  • Regional or local partnerships
  • Industrial ecosystems or cross-sectoral partnerships

How can you join the Pact?

You can register here.

All members of the Pact sign up to the Charter and its key principles, which they agree to respect and uphold.

Key principles of the Charter:

  1. Promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all
  2. Building strong skills partnerships
  3. Monitoring skills supply/demand and anticipating skills needs
  4. Working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities

Signatories of the Pact are strongly encouraged to translate their engagement into concrete commitments on upskilling and reskilling. These commitments will bring the key principles of the Pact to life.

What will the Pact for Skills offer?

From 2021 the Commission will support the signatories of the Pact through dedicated services:

  1. Networking hub, including: support in finding partners and first meetings of the partnerships; linking with existing EU tools, e.g. Europass, Skills Panorama, EURES and European Network of Public Employment Services; promotion of the activities of the Pact members.
  2. Knowledge hub, including: webinars, seminars peer learning activities; updates on EU polices and instruments; information on projects, tools instruments and best practices
  3. Guidance and resources hub, including: access to information on relevant EU funding; guidance to identify financial possibilities; facilitation of exchange between the Pact members and national/regional authorities.

EU funding, in particular the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the relevant funding instruments under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 can support the Pact and should be fully used.

Roundtables with industrial ecosystems

Commissioner Schmit and Commissioner Breton are organising a series of high-level roundtables with representatives of ecosystems identified in the EU’s new Industrial Strategy.

Representatives of industry, regional and national authorities, social partners, and education and training providers are invited to these meetings to promote engagement in the Pact from industrial ecosystems.

Past roundtables

Background on the Pact

The Pact for Skills builds on other EU initiatives for cooperation such as:

Contact us

Do you have a question about the Pact for Skills or on how to join it? Please EC-PACT-FOR-SKILLSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (send us a message).

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