People who are employed in another EU country are entitled to live there. Jobseekers are also allowed to stay in another country while they are looking for a job. (See the right to look for a job)
The host country may require them, as "EU migrant workers", to register with the authorities as residents. (See Directive 2004/38/EC)
Other legal and administrative formalities depend on the length of stay – up to 3 months, more than 3 months, or permanent.
Family members
The following members of a worker's family have the right to reside in the same country, irrespective of their nationality:
- spouse
- registered partner (provided the host country treats registered partnerships as equivalent to marriage)
- descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependants, including those of the spouse or partner
- dependent relatives in the ascending line (e.g. parents, grandparents), including those of the spouse or partner
EU countries must also facilitate the entry and residence of:
- other family members who are dependants or members of the worker's household
- other family members who require personal care due to serious health grounds
- a partner demonstrated to have a durable relationship with the worker.
In the case of divorce, annulment of marriage, termination of registered partnership, death or departure of the worker, family members may retain the right of residence under certain specific conditions, insofar as they maintain the family relation and do not become a risk to public order or an economic burden for the State.